Benefits of CM&F Acupuncturist Malpractice Insurance

What is Malpractice Insurance for Acupuncture Professionals?

Malpractice insurance for acupuncturists provides oriental medicine practitioners with protection from patients or coworkers who claim their negligence at work caused an injury. This could be a wrong diagnosis, a sexual assault claim, an infraction of HIPAA privacy laws, or any claims of negligence. While many employers may offer coverage against malpractice related claims, the interests of the employee are viewed as secondary.

With individual acupuncturist malpractice insurance coverage, the monetary coverage and policy benefits are guaranteed for the policy owner’s sole use. Acupuncture liability insurance protects you from litigation expenses, as well as gives you a team of industry experts that fight for your personal assets, professional credentials, and financial future.

What Types of Acupuncture Malpractice Insurance Policies Does CM&F Offer?

Two Types of Malpractice Insurance Policy Options:

  1. Occurrence

  2. Claims-Made

There are two types of basic malpractice insurance policy options: Occurrence and Claims-made. CM&F offers occurrence malpractice insurance for acupuncturists, in addition to claims-made policies. An occurrence policy means that if a claim is made against an acupuncturist regarding a past incident that occurred during a time they were previously covered under CM&F liability insurance, that claim will be covered by CM&F even if the acupuncturists has since ended their liability coverage. Since most malpractice claims are made 18-24 months after an incident occurs, this type of protection is very important. Claims-made insurance policies only protect professionals if they have insurance at the time of the claim. With occurrence policy insurance, there is no need for acupuncturists to renew or buy tail coverage should they choose to leave CM&F or retire.

Where is my Acupuncture Insurance Applicable?

CM&F malpractice insurance for acupuncturists is portable, which means as the acupuncturist moves, so does the coverage. CM&F’s malpractice insurance policy is attached to the individual acupuncturist, not their place of work. Not having your own, portable coverage separate from your employer’s shared policy limits your protection to duties performed for that sole practice. For acupuncturists who contract, work at multiple places, or have private clients, a portable malpractice insurance plan is a must – and with CM&F, only one policy is required to cover the individual at any amount of workplaces.

The CM&F Advantage

The Most Comprehensive and Reliable
Malpractice Insurance
on the Market

CM&F was founded over a century ago. Through up and down markets, CM&F’s dedication to holistic medicine professionals has never wavered. CM&F remains committed to making it easy and cost-effective to secure vital professional coverage with:

  • A++ Rated Insurance & Lowest Priced Acupuncture Liability Insurance Products
  • Outstanding Customer Service with a Direct Contact Line
  • Superior Claims Management
  • Fast Automated Application Process
  • 24/7 Access to Your Personal Online Document Archive