While most people spend the holiday season slowing down and enjoying family, physician associates (PAs) and...
As we welcome the new year, healthcare professionals are stepping into a world shaped by groundbreaking...
As a healthcare business owner, year-end is a critical opportunity to ensure your compliance strategies and...
With catastrophic weather events a new norm, economic inflation and “nuclear” lawsuit verdicts, the cost...
If you work in healthcare in 2024, you’re more likely than not to face a licensing complaint and a medical...
As the holiday season kicks off with Black Friday and Cyber Monday, most people are focused on snagging deals...
Most new practice owners are more focused on how to make money than how to track it when first launching a...
Whether you’re shopping for a new medical malpractice policy or need proof of insurance for an upcoming...
Insurance premiums can fluctuate from year to year, and there are several factors that influence these...
When it comes to selecting the right insurance policy, understanding the nuances of your coverage can be just...
While offering Botox or IV hydration on the side of your clinic job might seem like a great way to earn extra...
If you've ever wondered how insurance premiums are determined, you're not alone. Today we’re breaking down...
(Plus, how the how medical malpractice policies are actually priced) The decision you make now about...
What you need to know about professional liability insurance for clinicians Whether you work as an employee...
When you need a new clinician for your practice or healthcare business, you’re likely focused more on...