Practice owners operating successful businesses across the country share many positive attributes, but when...
I spent an hour before retiring one night by reading a book about silence. These words caused me to...
The title of this article is an echo of Shakespeare but let me assure you that today’s theme is not about...
There is no denying it – the world around us has changed and our everyday routines, habits, and workflows...
We’ve all received one – an email from our “boss” requesting the purchase of gift cards or a link to...
The bible records a Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, inquiring of a man who was brought before him for...
My wife Celia and I visited our children and grandchildren for the Christmas break last year in Atlanta. Who...
Not everyone on a battlefield is wounded or killed by direct fire, a snipers bullet or an explosion. Many...
In 1945, President Harry Truman was faced with making a decision that could possibly save one million...
An AAPA member and Huddle follower, recently commented on the topic of malpractice insurance and the cost...
It is extremely important for healthcare providers to research their medical malpractice and professional...
Now more than ever, it is extremely important for healthcare providers to research their medical malpractice...
We celebrated a most important American holiday this month, Independence Day. On July 4th, the Continental...
Despite being a healthcare provider and working in a setting that is meant to heal people, accidents can...
Most younger PAs don’t remember Candid Camera, a very popular and long-running “hidden camera” reality...