You may have some questions before you start your career as a physical therapist. What is the compensation? What are my job responsibilities? And do I need individual physical therapy insurance? At CM&F we want to provide you with more than affordable physical therapy professional liability insurance. We want to be a resource for all your questions. The following list of questions are important to review with your new employer, or even with your existing employer as you change positions. Use the below guide to help you get the answers you need as you move on in your career – and if you need to invest in your own malpractice insurance for physical therapists.
Physical therapist responsibilities can span a variety of areas depending on the field you enter, the size of your place of employment, or even local laws and regulations enforced by the state medical board. It is always a good idea to clarify what your daily responsibilities are, what your employer’s expectations are, and what you are legally allowed or not allowed to do within PT scope of practice.
?The physical therapy profession undergoes changes all the time. As the laws change, and the medical boards expand the roles of physical therapists, advancing your education, keeping current with medical best practices or getting specialty certificates for specific fields of medicine are just a few of the myriad ways physical therapists can expand their career.
Just remember, as you further study the physical therapy profession, it is especially vital to have your own professional physical therapist insurance policy. Even if your employer is the one encouraging or paying for you to get continuing education, their physical therapy group malpractice insurance policy will not cover you outside of the office and your regular working hours.
Each state has local physical therapist associations or chapters of a larger national organization. We support working with national or local physical therapist programs that help further the risk education of physical therapists by keeping their personal livelihood protected from future medical malpractice claims.
Find out from your employer if membership comes with your employment, or if they provide any additional benefits to you for being a member of a physical therapy association.
We insure healthcare groups & clinics, so we know firsthand that your employer’s policy will not have you as their main interest when it comes to malpractice legal cases or settlements – despite their best intentions.
If your employer does offer professional PT liability insurance, what is their coverage plan? Ask for it in writing so you can review it and present it in the future should a malpractice claim arise.
Make sure their are no gaps in coverage as you transition employment, positions, or insurance companies. Reach out to CM&F’s client services team for advice and assistance as you evalute your PT professional liability insurance options.
Having your own personal physical therapy liability insurance policy will ensure that your interests are the priority and that your livelihood is protected. CM&F’s individual physical therapy malpractice insurance options are attached to you, covering you wherever you go and wherever you work.
?Salary negotiations are often a tough subject for interviewees, newly hired or newly promoted employees. Make sure to do research on the starting, average and maximum salary rates for your position, in your medical field, in your state. With the salary being offered, also be sure to measure the additional benefits like PTO, continuing education or access to personal physical therapist malpractice insurance.
Physical therapist malpractice insurance cost varies depending on position, type of coverage, and location. With CM&F, PT insurance is affordable and comprehensive with plans as low as $81.00 dollars a month. Our competitors cannot match our low prices, as well as our all-encompassing coverage plans. To learn more about pricing for your specific profession in your state, give us a call or get a quote online.
Know the expectations of your employer. If you know the expectations and meet or exceed them on a daily basis, as well as show drive and motivation to grow, your career will advance in no time. CM&F is adamant about protecting the livelihood of physical therapists for this very reason. A professional liability insurance policy for physical therapists with CM&F eliminates personal financial risk, damages to your reputation, as well as license or medical board repercussions.
CM&F was founded over a century ago. Through up and down markets, CM&F’s dedication to physical therapists has never wavered. CM&F remains committed to making it easy and cost-effective to secure vital professional coverage with: